السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2013

Hardware electronic chip anti-hacker anti-virus for mobile Phones, Laptops & office computers

  My US patent has Hardware electronic chip , IC , which will be an anti-hacker anti-virus for mobile Phones, Laptops & office computers, with this breakthrough hardware ship it will be totally impossible for any software if it is a virus or warm or hacker to breakthrough it's defenses and steel information or plant a virus or a warm. 1
From now on every computer will be 100% safe if it is in an office or at home or in a factory or in government buildings or nuclear station or hospital or in any place on earth, it will be safe %100 for ever. 2
This chip takes orders from the keyboard only and only this chip controls the memory, so no software if it is a virus or warm or hacker can manipulate with computer memory, since only this chip controls the read and write options on the memory of this computer. and since it receives orders from the keyboard only therefore no software can control the memory or steel data from memory or delete data from memory or encrypt memory since only this hardware electronic chip can control the memory and this chip gets its order only from hardware keyboard which only the user has access to. 3

it was not possible to animate the SSD read and write functions because it has no moving parts to animate,  therefore the animations I made was for the HDD read and write heads. so when you watch the animation for the HDD think the same will take place for the SSD and the protection will be %100 proof. 2 

US patent 7724458 anti virus anti Hacker HDD three platters 

After careful analysis of the causes behind the worldwide spread of computer viruses and compromised cybersecurity two obvious facts emerge as the main reasons behind this global threat. 
Firstly, all read and write options of the HDD or SSD of the computer are in the OPEN mode at all times, with no restrictions or controls placed on them at all. 
Secondly, because computers’ RAM (Random Access Memory) are structured as one solid integral unit, all operating systems (OS), programs and accessed Internet data, including opened attachments, are (stored) placed on this single RAM
Given the two above-mentioned facts, hackers have been able to use viruses and worms to exploit these two vulnerabilities to wipe out, steal, delete, alter or corrupt stored files, encrypted data or blackmail individuals, corporations or governments to pay ransom.
 Hackers may hide nasty dormant attachments inside computer memories, which will become active and destructive upon opening them, as they can easily move from the RAM to the computer’s memory via the microprocessor. 
My three interrelated US patents have identified these two vulnerable points and established two different security methods to protect computer data against hackers and viruses. 
In the first method the Integrated Circuit (IC) will control the memory’s (HDD, SSD) read and write functions. And since the keyboard is in control of the IC, thus the user in turn is in control of the IC via the keyboard. 
In my patent no anti-virus software is used. All controlling mechanisms are done by hardware. 
The chain of command is in a linear format as follows: User -Keyboard-IC-SDD (or HDDs). Therefore, by eliminating the need for software, this simple straight forward arrangement has also eliminated any possibility whatsoever that a virus can infect the computer. 
In the second method the RAM is divided into two compartments. 
Compartment A holds data only coming from the HDD or SSD while Compartment B will receive data coming from variety of potentially harmful sources, such as the Internet, flash memories or third party vendors. 
Thus, when a user after surfing the net wants to work on his stored confidential data, all he needs to do is to press one or two keys on the computer keyboard and he will immediately be able to wipe clean all potential and lingering viruses, worms and viruses-laden opened attachments. This cleansing process of Compartment B of the RAM will have not affect whatsoever on Compartment A of the RAM, the Compartment holding the computer operating system and other programs; the computer will continue functioning normally. 
When a user browsing the internet opens a dangerous attachment this attachment will be regarded as a stranger since it is coming from the internet so it will be opened in Compartment B of the RAM, and when the microprocessor deals with this opened attachment, it can not be saved on protected partitions of the memory (HDD, SSD) since their write heads are switched off.
This fail-proof mechanism will prevent any virus or downloaded attachments from infecting the computer’s confidential data or programs partition. 
After opening the attachment and going through it the user can wipe out the entire content of Compartment B by striking few clicks on the keyboard. 
The outline below will show, in the simplest possible terms, the positions of the read and write of the memory’s three compartments (partitions of HDD, SSD). 
When surfing the Internet, read and write heads will be in the following positions. 
program partition write head off
confidential  partition read and write heads are off
internet partition read and write heads are on
If the user wants to access and use his/her confidential files, all he/she needs to do is to click on a key on the keyboard to achieve the following secure positions. 
The write head of the Program Partition will be in the Off position. 
The write and read heads of the Confidential Partition will be in the On position. 
The read and write of the Internet Partition will be in the Off position. 

By watching the patents’ videos and reading the corresponding text at the USPTO you will be able to get a much better picture of inventions sophistication and potential impact in the world of cyber security. .

This new laptop or mobile phone or desktop computer will be safe from viruses and safe from hackers where no photos can be stolen or documents at all.
Programs will keep functioning forever since no virus can harm it what so ever.

Comparing my new laptop or mobile phone or desktop computers with the conventional once used now all people will prefer to buy this new secure laptop or mobile phone or desktop computer, so it will land slide the market very soon and put all the conventional once out of market. 

Mobile banking will be fully secure since the user delete Compartment B of the RAM before he opens any site for banking, so if any harmful hacker has inserted any software in the RAM by which he can hack some useful information from the user like passwords, this software will vanish and the new opened site for the bank will sit in totally clean RAM then the user will do all its transfers safely and securely.

My three patents which Protect phones & computers from hackers & viruses are mother & child & grandchild.

Mother:  Patent No: 7724458 Hard disk drive with selectable reading and writing to/from different platter surfaces

Child:  Patent No: 8112601   Data storage device with security feature

Grandchild:   Appl. No.: 13/338091   SECURE DATA STORAGE DEVICE

The Mother (Patent No: 7724458) claims HDD. Using a hardware switch to perform the protection.
The Child (Patent No: 8112601)   claims storage device, any kind of storage device which include HDD & SSD. Using a hardware switch to perform the protection.

The  Grandchild:   (Appl. No.: 13/338091 )   claims storage device, any kind of storage device which include HDD & SSD. Using a hardware electronics chips to perform the protection. Where the user via the keyboard of a computer or laptop keyboard controls the storage device read & write via the electronics chips.
In mobile phones the user controls the storage device read & write via the keypads of the mobile phones via the electronic chip.

The animations below I have done them for the Mother (Patent No: 7724458) it explains it for the HDD.
But is useful to understand the idea fully. So when you read the Grandchild text you will understand it immediately since it is the same idea but with small variations.
So please watch first the three animations below then read the text of the Grandchild then you will understand it so easily.

Grandchild:   Appl. No.: 13/338091   SECURE DATA STORAGE DEVICE
US patent 8112601 anti virus anti Hacker mobile phone

US patent 7724458 anti virus anti Hacker HDD five platters 

US patent 7724458 anti virus anti Hacker HDD three platters 

Hard disk drive with selectable reading and writing to/from different platter surfaces 

Data storage device with security feature 

US patent 8112601 protects all phones, Android and other types from hackers & viruses.
These patents will protect small businesses and personal computers and giant corporations like Banks Data, governments data, police data, hospital data, US Defense computers & Pentagon & military systems & ministries & car factories all kinds of factories & TV stations radio stations & satellites & ship ports & airports

it is unpenetratable security system for every thing on this planet.

US patents 8112601 & 7724458 & 13/338091 protects phones & computers from hackers & viruses

This set of my Three Patents will make a new laptop which will stop any virus and any hacker, if it is made and advertised on face book and tweeter and else, it will land slide this world and sell more than any laptop, since all people will buy it so they are certain that their OS and software’s will never be hit by a virus or a worm either to stop them from functioning or to slow them down. Plus there data is secure from hackers.
Plus all companies will buy them (banks, governments, police, research lab, hospitals, ministries, manufactures, etcetera) since they are sure no Hacker will steal their data.
if some investors take this patent and make this new laptop they will make tens of millions of profit (if not hundreds of millions) since this new laptop and desk top computer will land slide the entire world.
Not to mention mobile phones where all manufacturers will come to license these patents for their phones to stop viruses, and now the phone viruses has increased tremendously.

Jasim Alazzawi

Mobile: 00971508668762
E-mail:    brysam2@yahoo.co.uk

Boeing’s revolutionary microluttice lighter than Dandelion. Makes the most powerful windmill in history.

 Blinking Sail windmill

US patents 7780416 &  8702393

Power output calculation, when the radius of the frame is 60m and height 60m.


US patent: 21MW. First time in history sail windmill let wind pass through but extract all its energy

Short video

Boeing microluttice Makes the most powerful windmill ENDs oil coal era https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v05qTjXccjA&feature=youtu.be

Long video

Boeing’s revolutionary microluttice lighter than Dandelion


US patent 7780416 blinking sail windmill gentle wind 


US patent 7780416 blinking sail windmill fast wind


With a Sail 99.99% Air, 100 times lighter than Styrofoam the blinking sail windmill can be named blinking Dandelion windmill.

Since the sails are as light as air therefore the lightest breeze will blow three sails away easily.
And always we are left with an active frame blocking the wind and generating electricity.
Sails known for thousands of years to move huge ships, so blinking sail windmill will move huge generator and generate electricity all the time even with the slowest wind. Having the safety mechanism it will be safe and generating electricity in the strongest winds ever.
The blinking sail windmill joined with Boeing’s microluttice will make a windmill will change the history of power generation

Moving parts and maintenance
The only moving parts in the blinking sail windmill are the swinging windows and the sails.
The swinging windows do not move all the time; they simply swing in high winds only. Since swinging windows are made from metal so they will last for a hundred years. Since they move in just a quarter turn only and in high winds only so their ballbearing will last minimum for hundred years. So the swinging windows will not need maintenance for hundred years.
So we left with the movement of the sails of quarter turn per cycle. The ballbearing will last minimum for 50 years since the ballbearings are currying negligible weight. When we make the sails from long lasting materials like Grafeen or “Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer” or Carbyne, The sail will last for tens of years with no need for maintenance.
So the blinking sail windmill practically shot and forget. Install it and forget the maintenance for 50 years.
The sails of the BSW won't bang against the green swinging windows, not only because the sails are extremely rigid but also because the spiral springs attached to ball bearing of the sails will prevent the sails from banging against the green swinging windows. They are always a distance of 10cm away from the green swinging windows because when it returns the spiral spring will keep the sail at 10 °degree angle from the vertical plane.
When a powerful wind push the sail it will slowly move until it touches the green swinging window with no noise. When that happens the sail will start to push the green swinging window out of plane to let some of the air pass through. As the wind gets stronger and stronger the gap to let the air pass through will get bigger and bigger; the stronger the wind the larger the gap.
The BSW's built-in safety mechanism is designed so that it can work when wind speed is strong or super strong. The green swinging windows are fitted with spiral Springs. When the wind is weak the green swinging windows are in vertical position but as the wind gets stronger and stronger and the sails start to push the green swinging windows the increased force will push the spiral springs. This will cause the green swinging windows to shift out of plane and consequently permit some of the air to pass freely through the slowly widening gap. As the wind gets stronger the gap will get wider allowing more air to pass through it. The BSW will produce power in slow and fast wind, without making noise.
the bird can see the Blinking sail windmill clearly since it has wide surface area and its speed is not so fast so no bird deaths will take place like present windmills do since the tip of the blade is moving at 300km per hour and it is invisible due to small surface aria at the tip of the blade.
 Helical BSW
Although the animations show “linear” frames, in fact when the BSWs are built and deployed in commercial wind farms their frames will be helical. So, how are the frames arranged and how do they look like as their numbers change?
In a BSW with 4 frames, each frame starts at a point at the bottom on the Central Post and end at the top of the Central Post at 90 degree angle, while in a BSW with three frames, each frame starts at a point at the bottom on the Central Post and end at top of the Central Post at 120 degree angle. Finally, each frame of a BSW with two frames will start at a point at the bottom of the Central Post and end at the top of the Central Post at 180 degrees angle.
Helically-shaped frames are more aerodynamic, evenly spread the torque experienced by the frames as they spin and will prevent pulsations. When the blinking sail windmill becomes helical the columns will spread creating gaps between them, where the wind pushing the sails will have an aerodynamic passageway where wind current move dynamically in the system of blinking sail windmill.

A powerful windmill made from the lightest material in the world manufactured by Boeing a revelatory microluttice lighter than Dandelion.

Easily assembled and deployable.

It generates electricity even at extreme low wind.

The sails of the blinking sail windmill are so light since they are made from microluttice which is lighter than Dandelion. So the lowest wind will blow them away so the wind will pass freely from three frames while the active frame blocks the wind so we have a 20 meter by 20 meter sale blocking the wind and generating huge energy.

A wind farm made from this blinking sail windmill which cost $100 million it will generate electricity more than a wind farm cost $10 billion made from present windmills.

The blinking sail windmill will change the landscape of wind energy.


HRL Researchers Develop World's Lightest Material



Boeing: Lightest. Metal. Ever.




Industrial design windmill with Boeing’s revolutionary microluttice lighter than Dandelion. Makes the most powerful windmill in history. For Wind farms very low cost easy to assemble by unskilled workers.


My US patents 7780416 &  8702393 windmills the energy it generates is tens of times more than the present windmill for a windmill which costs tenth the cost of the present windmill.
Therefore this windmill is hundreds of times more efficient than the present windmill per cost/power generated

The blinking sail windmill generates so much electricity due to its large size let’s say the 20 meters by 20 meters that the owner will get his money back in 142 days and that will never happen in any windmill even when they dream of one, the owner of the blinking sail windmill will get his money back in 142 days when he use it to generate electricity or make distilled water in desert countries or when making hydrogen from water to use it in cars instead of using petrol.

 My windmill has all these three properties it cost 10% only of the cost of the present windmill and this low cost BLINKING SAIL WINDMILL generates ten time more electricity than the present windmill therefore it is 10 x 10 = 100 times more efficient than the present windmill, in view of the cost. Besides that it has much less maintenance cost since the generator is not 170 meters above the ground like the present windmill because the blinking sail windmill generator is few meters above the ground .

therefore no lightening can damage the generator of the blinking sail windmill


More energy is used to produce present wind turbine than it will ever generate

Blinking sail windmill only uses 14.8 tons of steel. All of it can be packed in one single track and assembled by unskilled workers without the use of any crane. It cost %1 of the cost of the present windmill.


Building Blinking sail windmill using tower crane

We can use present tower crane to make the one megawatt, 1MW blinking sail windmill, simply we fix four arms of the tower crane at the top instead of one. Where we hang on each arm of the tower crane a frame 25m width by 33m height.

From the photos below we can see how strong is the tower crane and it can carry the four frames of blinking sail windmill so easily as if it is carrying a father.

As we see the crane price can be as low as  $22,000 where the four frames will cost less than $15,000
So with less than $40,000 we will have a 1MW windmill, if we add the generator price and the foundation cost the entire blinking sail windmill cost will be less than $175,000. With such price the blinking sail windmill will land slide the world of wind power generation.

Links to tower crane

The life time of a ballbearing is 500000000 revelations to one million revelation.
The BSW spins between 40-100 rev per minute. Thus, taking the higher figure of turns:
BSW turn/year = 100 x 60 x 24 x 365 = 52,560,000
500000000 ÷ 52560000 = 9.61
Since the blinking sail windmill two sail ballbearing is caring very light weight and running at very low speed it will last minimum 20 to 30 years. The same applies to the green swinging window ballbearing.
But Since the sail ballbearing only turns 90 degree only that means quarter turn therefore it will last: years
38.44 years

Where the green swinging window only move in strong wind so the ballbearing will last much longer than 38.44 years
Let me now address the concern about noise.
The sails of the BSW won't bang against the green swinging windows, not only because the sails are extremely rigid but also because the spiral springs attached to ball bearing will prevent the sails from banging against the green swinging windows. They are always a distance of 10cm away from the green swinging windows because when it returns the spiral spring will keep the sail at 10 °degree angle from the vertical plane.
The BSW's built-in safety mechanism is designed so that it can work in when wind speed is weak or super strong. Thus, a powerful wind will slowly push the sail until it touches the green swinging window so no noise is resulted. When that happens it will start to push the green swinging window out of plane to let some of the air pass through. As the wind gets stronger and stronger the gap to let the air pass through will get bigger and bigger; the stronger the wind the larger the gap.
The green swinging windows too are fitted with spiral Springs. When the wind is weak the green swinging windows are in vertical position but as the wind gets stronger and stronger and the sails start to push the green swinging windows the increased force will push the spiral springs. This will cause the green swinging windows to shift out of plane and consequently permit some of the air to pass freely through the slowly widening gap. As the wind gets stronger the gap will get wider allowing more air to pass through it. The BSW will produce power in slow and fast wind, without making noise.
Given the two salient characteristics of the BSW, massive size and slow motion, it is unfathomable that this turbine will result in killing birds

“BSW Power Output Calculations”
Wind speed 10m/s
The detailed calculations below will shed ample light on the most crucial question concerning the BSW; how much power the BSW will generate.
Using the universally accepted and used formula to calculate power output by wind turbines:
Power output (P) = 0.5 x air density at sea level (1.23) x swept area x wind velocity cubed.
P = 0.5 × 1.23 × 2RH × V3
P = Power output
0.5= The efficiency rating assigned to the majority of wind turbines
R= In a classic wind turbine, with three horizontally spinning rotors, R is the radius of the spinning rotor
In the case of the BSW, however, R is the radius of the active frame denoting the distance between the frame’s end column and the BSW’s Central Post.

H: In the  BSW, , H is the height of the vertical column of the active frame. 
V3 = Wind velocity (cubed) in meters per seconds.
But before I outline the power output calculations in some detail, and in order to understand and appreciate how these calculations are achieved, it is absolutely critical to highlight an important feature of the structure of the BSW’s frame which plays an important role how power is generated and calculated:
“A BSW may have 3 frames (or 4 or 5 or 6) designed to spin and block the wind to generate electricity. Think of the BSW frame as an Excel sheet consisting of multiple columns. The columns will be juxta positioned next to each other; a series of columns, as if they are stitched together. BSWs of different sizes will have different number of columns. The larger the BSW the larger number of columns.

The frame of a 10m x10m BSW has 5 columns, each 10m long; a frame of a 20m x 20m has 10 columns, each 20m long, while a 30m x 40m frame will have 20 columns, each 30m long.

Just like an Excel Sheet with multiple cells, each column has multiple number of component units called Double Sided Units. A Double Sided Units (DSU) is 2m wide and 1m long. Different size BSWs will have different number of DSUs. For example, a BSW with 10m x 10m frame will have 200 DSU; a 20m x 20m frame will have 800 DSU while a 30m x 40m will have 2400 DSU”.

Having briefly explained the general structure of the BSW’s frame which is directly responsible for generating power, it is crucial to explain an important feature of the frame of the BSW that has an enormous and direct impact on how much power it generates; a hasty use of the aforementioned power output formula will give us a low, Conservative Power Output figure. On the other hand, taking into consideration the unique structure of the BSW’s frame and how the columns are arranged in series, the same BSW will yield much higher power output figure or the Actual Power Output. For example, we can show that:
(i)            A BSW with 10m x 10m frame can generate 246KW or 972 KW
(ii)          A BSW with 20m x 20m frame can generate 738KW or 5.1MW
(iii)         A BSW with 30m x 40m frame can generate 1476kw or 13.7MW.
(iv)        A BSW with 40m x 60m frame can generate 4.4MW or 60.9MW.

But how can we explain this huge discrepancy in power output by the same BSW?

As you can notice that the power discrepancy in a BSW with 10m x 10m frame is huge; (246KW and 972 KW). In using the power output formula to calculate the lower figure (246KW) we simply aggregate the power produced by all five columns i.e. we do not consider each column separately nor do we assign a unique and corresponding radius (R) to each individual column. Instead we simply use one general figure as a radius for all columns and apply it to the entire frame despite the obvious fact that each column has a unique and different radius of its own and produces its own specific amount of power which is directly corresponding to its unique radius.

In the 2RH section of the power output calculation formula quoted above we simply use 20m to denote the radius (R) of the entire frame, although each of the five columns has different radius of its own which is its distance from the Central Post of the BSW.

In light of the above explanation, now I would like to show you how we can get two sets of different power output figures to reflect the above-mentioned observation.
To drive the above point home and make it absolutely crystal clear I shall use three examples to show you how we can get a low conservative figure and an actual high power output figure for the same BSW.

A: So, let us begin with a BSW with 10m x 10m frame. Attached on 20m arm.
Our calculations can show that this BSW can generate either 246KW or 972 KW. But how?

This frame has 5 columns, each column is 2m wide and 10m long.
Despite the fact that the frame has 5 columns we shall assume that all 5 columns will have the same radius of 20m and they will collectively generate only 246KW. We can simplify the matter even further by assigning letters to the 5 columns, A, B, C, D and E. All five lettered columns will have the same radius value of 20m.In the conservative method we do not calculate the power generated separately by each individual column. Instead the frame will be considered as one integral frame with 20m radius and 10m height. Thus:

Conservative Power Output
P = 0.5 x 1.23 x 2RH x V3
P = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 20 x 10) x 103 = 246KW

Now, let us calculate the actual power generated by the same BSW with 5 columns. The power output figure will be a lot higher. And the reason is that each of the 5 columns, A, B, C, D and E generate its own unique amount of power corresponding directly to the value of its radius.

Putting in a nutshell as a general theory: “All factors (values) of all 5 columns being equal, the value of their radius will determine the amount of energy they produce; the bigger the radius the larger the power output”

 So how do we do that?

Let us remember that each of the 5 lettered columns has its own specific radius, reflecting its corresponding distance from the Central Post of the BSW.
Remember the Columns are positioned in series.

So, starting from the far end of the frame and moving towards the Central Post: Column A is 20m away from the central Post of the BSW i.e. its radius is 20m
Column B is 18m away from the Central Post of the BSW i.e. its radius is 18m
Column C is 16m away from the Central Post of the BSW i.e. its radius is 16m
Column D is 14m away from the Central Post of the BSW i.e. its radius is 14m
Column E is 12m away from the Central Post of the BSW i.e. its radius is 12m

Now we are in a position to calculate the power generated by each column, depending on its corresponding radius.

Actual Power Output
Power produced by column A = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 20 x 10 x 103 = 246 KW 
Power produced by column B = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 18 x 10) x 103 = 220 KW 
Power produced by column C = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 16 x 10) x 103 = 194 KW 
Power produced by column D = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 14 x 10) x 103 = 168 KW 
Power produced by column E = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 12 x 10) x 103 = 144 KW 
Total power output = 972 KW

By adding all the power generated by all 5 columns the actual (total) power generated by the same BSW is 972KW, four times the value of the conservative figure of 246KW

B: In our second example we shall consider a BSW with 20m x 20m frame. Attached on 30m arm.
The calculations below will show that this BSW can generate as conservative power 738KW or as actual power 5.1MW.

By applying the same method we previously applied on example A, here is a summary of all the critical information needed to reach the two sets of power output figures, a low conservative figure and a high actual figure representing the total power generated by all columns combined:

1.    A BSW with 20m x 20m frame has 10 columns lettered A, B, C, D, E. F, G, H, I and J.
2.    Each column is 2m wide and 20m long
3.    Starting from the far end of the frame and moving toward the Central Post of the BSW, column A is the farthest from the Central Pole and J is the closest; the radius values of the ten columns, from column A to column J, are as follow: 30m, 28m, 26m, 24m, 22m, 20m, 18m, 16m, 14m and 12m.

Conservative Power output:
In a conservative power output calculation, the radius of the arm is 30m and its height 20m.
P = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 30 x 20) x 103 = 738KW

Actual Power Output:
In an actual power output calculation, we shall calculate the power output of each column, a total of 10 columns. And because each column produces different amount of power corresponding directly to the value of its radius, we shall calculate all ten power output values, add them together and reach the actual power produced by a BSW with 20m x 20m frame: Attached on 30m arm.

Power produced by column A = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 30 x 20) x 103 = 738KW 
Power produced by column B = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 28 x 20) x 103 = 687KW 
Power produced by column C = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 26 x 20) x 103 = 638KW 
Power produced by column D = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 24 x 20) x 103 = 589KW 
Power produced by column E = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 22 x 20) x 103 = 540KW 
Power produced by column F = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 20 x 20 x 103 = 492KW 
Power produced by column G = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 18 x 20) x 103 = 441KW 
Power produced by column H = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 16 x 20) x 103 = 392KW 
Power produced by column I = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 14 x 20) x 103 = 343KW 
Power produced by column J = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 2 x 20) x 103 = 249KW 
Total Power=5109000KW (5.1MW)

C: In our third example we shall consider a BSW with 30m wide x 40m long frame. Attached on 40m arm.
Our calculations will show that as conservative this BSW can generate 1476KW (1.476MW) or as an actual calculation will generate 13.76MW

By applying the same method which we’ve applied in the previous two examples, here is a summary of all the critical information needed to reach the two sets of power output figures, a low conservative figure and a high actual figure representing the total power generated by all the columns combined:

4.    A BSW with 30m x 40m frame has 15 columns lettered A, B, C, D, E. F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O.
5.    Each column is 2m wide and 20m long
6.    Starting from the far end of the frame and moving toward the Central Post of the BSW, column A is the farthest from the Central Post and J is the closest; the radius values of the columns from column A to column O are as follow: 40m, 38m, 36m, 34m, 32m, 30m, 28m, 26m, 24m, 22m, 20m, 18m, 16m, 14m, and 12m.

Conservative Power output:
In a conservative power output calculation, the radius of the frame is 40m and height 30m.
P = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 40 x 30) x103 = 1,476KW 

Actual Power Output:
In an actual power output calculation, however, we shall calculate the power output of each column, a total of 15 columns. And because each column generates different amount of power corresponding directly to the value of its radius, we shall calculate all 15 power output values, add them up and reach the actual power produced by a BSW with 30m wide x 40m long frame: Attached on 40m arm.

Power produced by column A = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 40 x 40) x 103 = 1968KW 
Power produced by column B = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 38 x 40) x 103 = 1869KW 
Power produced by column C = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 36 x 40) x 103 = 1770KW 
Power produced by column D = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 34 x 40) x 103 = 1671KW 
Power produced by column E = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 32 x 40) x 103 = 1573KW 
Power produced by column F = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 30 x 40x 103 = 1475KW 
Power produced by column G = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 28 x 40) x 103 = 1377KW 
Power produced by column H = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 26 x 40) x 103 = 1275KW 
Power produced by column I = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 24 x 40) x 103 = 1179KW 
Power produced by column J = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 22 x 40) x 103 = 1081KW 
Power produced by column K = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 20 x 40) x 103 = 983KW 
Power produced by column L = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 18 x 40) x 103 = 885KW 
Power produced by column M = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 16 x 40) x 103 = 786KW 
Power produced by column N = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 14 x 40) x 103 = 687KW 
Power produced by column O = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 12 x 40) x 103 = 589KW 

Total Power = 13.76MW

D: In our fourth example we shall consider a BSW with 40m wide x 60m long frame. Attached on 60m arm.
Our calculations will show that as conservative this BSW can generate 4.4MW or as an actual calculation will generate 60.9MW.

By applying the same method which we’ve applied in the previous two examples, here is a summary of all the critical information needed to reach the two sets of power output figures, a low conservative figure and a high actual figure representing the total power generated by all the columns combined:

1.    A BSW with 40m x 60m frame has 20 columns lettered A, B, C, D, E. F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T.
2.    Each column is 2m wide and 20m long
3.    Starting from the far end of the frame and moving toward the Central Post of the BSW, column A is the farthest from the Central Post and T is the closest; the radius values of the columns from column A to column T are as follow: 60m, 58m, 56m, 54m, 52m, 50m, 48m, 46m, 44m, 42m, 40m, 38m, 36m, 34m, 32m, 30m, 28m, 26m, 24m and 22m.

Conservative Power output:
In a conservative power output calculation, the radius of the frame is 60m and height 60m.
P = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 60 x 60) x103 = 4428000KW  = 4.4MW

Actual Power Output:
In an actual power output calculation, however, we shall calculate the power output of each column, a total of 20 columns. And because each column generates different amount of power corresponding directly to the value of its radius, we shall calculate all 20 power output values, add them up and reach the actual power produced by a BSW with 40m wide x 60m long frame. Attached on 60m arm.

Power produced by column A = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 60 x 60) x 103 = 4.4MW 
Power produced by column B = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 58 x 60) x 103 = 4.3MW   
Power produced by column C = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 56 x 60) x 103 = 4.2MW 
Power produced by column D = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 54 x 60) x 103 = 4.0MW 
Power produced by column E = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 52 x 60) x 103 = 3.9MW 
Power produced by column F = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 50 x 60) x 103 = 3.7MW 
Power produced by column G = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 48 x 60) x 103 = 3.6MW 
Power produced by column H = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 46 x 60) x 103 = 3.4MW 
Power produced by column I = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 44 x 60) x 103 = 3.3MW 
Power produced by column J = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 42 x 60) x 103 = 3.1MW 
Power produced by column K = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 40 x 60) x 103 = 3.0MW
Power produced by column L = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 38 x 60) x 103 = 2.8MW 
Power produced by column M = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 36 x 60) x 103 = 2.7MW 
Power produced by column N = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 34 x 60) x 103 = 2.5MW 
Power produced by column O = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 32 x 60) x 103 = 2.4MW 
Power produced by column P = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 30 x 60) x 103 = 2.2MW 
Power produced by column Q = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 28 x 60) x 103 = 2.1MW 
Power produced by column R = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 26 x 60) x 103 =1.9MW 
Power produced by column S= 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 24 x 60) x 103 = 1.8MW 
Power produced by column T = 0.5 x 1.23 x (2 x 22 x 60) x 103 = 1.6MW 

Total Power = 60.9 MW


all videos and animations for BSW

kirkuk BSW prototype plus links to all videos of BSW on youtube


The Blinking sail windmill does not need a prototype to prove its magical capability since the sails which move boats and ships is the proto type for this invention.
This windmill has one of the sales blocking the wind all the time. Therefore it generates power. While all the other sails letting the wind to pass through freely without any obstruction, so as if they do not exist. The result is one sail like in the ship generating power capable of moving a big electrical generator or a big water pump.
The sail boats race which takes place every year where the boats travel around the world and all the power is supplied to these boats for this very long trip comes from a piece of cloth its price equivalent to some gallons of petrol. If changed to an engine boat it will need tons and tons of petrol to complete the journey around the world besides the spare parts and the initial high cost.
When you watch these boats you can really see them moving at a high speed and cutting through the water with real force and big power and all of this is coming from a peace of cloth practically worth's nothing.

TP52 Quantum Racing on the edge downwind in big breeze

my solo transatlantic trip 2012


If we make the electrical generator of the Blinking Sail Windmill having multi coil so when the wind is week only one coil activated then when the wind gets faster the second coil is activated so we get more electrical power and if the wind gets stronger the third coil activated and so on.
when the wind gets much stronger the spiral spring of the horizontal bars starts to act so the horizontal bars start to swing to the other side, so even the active sail ( the sail which is blocking the wind) starts to let some of the wind to pass through the active sail so the wind do not damage the sail and as the wind gets stronger the gap gets bigger, therefore  all the time the Blinking Sail Windmill is safe and generates electricity at the strongest winds besides generating electricity at the weakest wind near to stand still speed.
Jasim Al-azzawi

Giant manufacturers have to scrap all their factories & make new once. Therefore they don’t 
want this breakthrough Blinking sail windmill.
Plus it will cancel all their contracts for new wind farms which they have now they will lose billions
This new windmill can be made by any one it is so simple design. And can be assembled by any one with no cranes at all

 It's rare to see that clearly how much concrete there's in an offshore wind turbine, this is just for 30MW

And it can be assembled in very short time by very unskilled people. see this vidio..
The video above shows step by step how it is made and assembled that is the 20x20 meter windmill
It can be assembled by any unskilled people it is so cheep so efficient so easy for maintenance.
The solution to energy problem of this planet is this breakthrough windmill
Which is 1000 times more efficient than present windmills in view of cost to the energy production
Where with this Blinking sail windmill if we build offshore huge windmills with a cost of one billion dollars
They will give us power equivalent to one trillion dollars windmills of the types used to day.
It may sound unbelievable but the calculations prove it without any doubt.
Send me an email I will send you the calculations which proves that.
 No one can argue with calculations because math’s is a constant thing no one can proves it wrong no one at all.

US patent 7780416 blinking sail windmill fast wind 

US patent 7780416 blinking sail windmill gentle wind 

Blinking sail windmill
Patent Number: 7780416

  Blinking sail windmill with safety control
Patent Number: 8702393