الخميس، 6 نوفمبر 2014

Method ends Australia's dasertification

Method ends Australia's dasertification, it will  change all Australia to beautiful Meadows.

Computer Simulations will show it will work.

It cost $100m per year to change all Australia to beautiful Meadows.

Many airplanes must start Sepraying water above Australian troposphere it will change to crystal ice. its sum total area will be millions of square kilometres reflecting sun heat back to  space. This will cool the area down below so high pressure forms.

Then clouds will move to low pressure inside Australia rain starts droughts end.

The method in full details in the link below.


Australia doomed to destruction by overheating, drought, fires, water scarcity unless this method used.

The cost of this method compared to the gigantic gain is so small that using this method is a must
With such small cost we end Australian dasertification & water scarcity ending fires plus summer will be much cooler and above all Australia will be beautiful Meadows

Global worming is coming full speed ahead to crash Australia we must try this method 
It's now or never

Send it to everyone you know if you love Australia
Every idea must be taken seriously since Australia is all we have. Let's make Australia beautiful  Meadows.

Dave Stewart @davestewart3
So you are trying to change nature to realise "your' dreams, Australia never had meadows in the first place (maybe 200 million years ago), don't you think you are being delusional.? Don't you think if farmers could sustain meadows their properties would be meadows.
You made a big mistake referring to unreliable "computer modelling" computer modelling is "pie in the sky stuff" these computer people are just producing airy fairy predictions,they aren't even reliable with weather forecasts a week out, 🐜 are smarter than weather forecasters

My answer to Dave
If you look at the cloud moviment it is around Australia rarely comes in to rain inside Australia. So it rains in the ocean. What a waste of fresh water.

My idea will make this wasted water useful to farmers.
Take it and you will have beautiful Australia green and most of its land can be used for farming and it will increase the area  of sheep's grassing lands.
It will reduce Australia temperature in summer dramatically therefore we will not have forists fires any more.
Plus the summer will be much cooler therefore electricity bills will be less therefore the $100m we spend on this project we will get our money back from reduced electric consumptions. That means less CO2 that means this method will be method to reduce Australia carbon footprint in combating global warming & climate change.
Leave this idea we will have devistating fires every summer, dasertification and water scarcity.
If you Dave have to decide which option  you  will take



Method will end Australian fires without using water.

السبت، 5 يوليو 2014

New Age For Soccer Games Must Begin

New offside lines must be added, to make soccer games more entertaining for spectators

The professional soccer games are played for the spectators to enjoy it and have a nice time. They are not played for the teams to win or lose. People pay money and spend time to enjoy the games and have a nice time this is the goal of the soccer games.

I watched Football for years and some teams are killing the game by playing the offside trick therefore the game is killed by this trick. Where  two billion people paid to watch the games on TV and hundreds of millions watch the games in stadiums where they pay to enter the stadium and spend money in transportation and wait so long in the stadium waiting for the game to begin but then All their enjoyment is killed by this ugly offside trick.

We must change the rules and put new two lines on the soccer field as shown in the drawings, where as soon as the ball crosses this line the offside is no more the defending team has to go back and defend its goal and not use the offside trick any more.
Now the offside is used throughout the field so the defending team can kill the game.

But not any more, since as soon as a player with a ball crosses the 18 yard line in other words a player with a ball crosses Kasim lines (NO offside lines) there will be no offside any more and in this narrow area of the field every body is free to move as they want and the defender team has to retreat to defend and not use the trick of the offside to kill a wonderful game of soccer.

Some might say: sounds lame you can just have a player hang by the post and get the pass as soon as the player gets in the 18
 I tell him: offside stay as it is, but when player with the ball crosses the 18 yard then the offside is no more because the ball is so near the goal (only 18 yards) so no need for this agonizing rule of offside any more.
it is as simple as that, no need for this rule when the ball is too close to the Goal, let’s try it & sea, experiment
when a player is in the offside and the ball still not crossed the 18 yards he get offside,
if any player camp by the post (offside), so when a player cross the 18 yard with a ball it is offside
but after the player with a ball crosses the 18 yard, then and only then every one is free to move any where with no offside

This idea will give the soccer game more dynamics and the people will enjoy this wonderful dynamic game, and this is what soccer is played for, that is people to have nice astounding time.
If these two (NO offside lines) are not introduced to the soccer field millions of people will waste their time watching dull games for generations to come.

Since both teams will face the same rules so it will be just for both teams and it will be wonderful to spectators.

second option

third option      not recomended

@PopulationE @SportsCenter lol dumbest thing ever
@LostInTheSaucee then enjoy dull game all your life, why people don’t like change I don’t know, we have to get new ideas in every thing
@PopulationE it isn't dull, offside trap is a strategy doesn't ruin the game or make it dull, 0-0 games can be interesting as well
@PopulationE you know nothing about the game , just think you do cause you saw a tournament
@LostInTheSaucee this will have a 0-0 results, but the game will be more interesting, with no restraining offside tricks in the 18 yard area
@PopulationE sounds lame you can just have a player hang by the post and get the pass as soon as the player gets in the 18
@LostInTheSaucee it seams you did not read the article well, you read it very fast.
@LostInTheSaucee offside stay as it is, but when player with the ball crosses the 18 yard then the offside is no more
@LostInTheSaucee no more because the ball is so near the goal (only 18 yards) so no need for this agonizing rule of offside any more.
@LostInTheSaucee it is as simple as that, no need for this rule when the ball is too close to the Goal, let’s try it & sea, experiment
@PopulationE I read it, a player can still camp by the post & receive the pass once the player crosses the 18 That would be allowed
@LostInTheSaucee NO NO NO, when a player is in the offside and the ball still not crossed the 18 yards he get offside,
@PopulationE don't think you're understanding me A player can camp by the post, wait till the player with the ball crosses the 18 & pass
@LostInTheSaucee if any player camp by the post (offside), so when a player cross the 18 yard with a ball it is offside
@LostInTheSaucee but after the player crosses the 18 yard with a ball, then and only then every one is free to move any where with no offside
@LostInTheSaucee I hope I clarified it well
@PopulationE get the specifics of it worked out & I can have an 11 on 11 demonstration you can put online
@LostInTheSaucee well put them on the comments, and I will put them within the article so the idea will be clearer ,
@LostInTheSaucee so when clarified they can like it or not every body as he see it with his mind.

الأحد، 13 أبريل 2014

CV of women & CV of the men

why women must rule the world & not men

If we want to employ any body for a simple job like an IT, we ask for his/her  CV (Curriculum vitae) so we can decide if he/she is worthy of this simple job.
If we want to get a government to run our nations economy and military and every thing we must ask for the CV of this government other wise we might get a bunch of thieves who steal us and bunch of criminals who will make wars and destroy us or a bunch of filth who will torture some of us without mercy.
Below are the CVs submitted by men & women showing their history to convince people to Vote for them on next election.

The CV of Men
We men have experience in ruling mankind for 6000 years therefore we deserve this job of ruling mankind.

We men have fought 146000 wars bravely and we got so many medals of bravery by killing the enemy. We did it and still doing it proudly.

We men have killed three billion people during our previous job which lasted 6000 years. We killed and still killing proudly.

We men proudly have raped more than 1.2 billion women. We did it and still doing it proudly.

We men have burned women alive more than one million of them.

We men have tortured men women and children in such ugly ways and methods where even the devils are ashamed to do such a thing. We did it and still doing it proudly.

We men have stolen the masses when ever we are in power. we did it and still doing it proudly.

We men brilliantly have converted religion to a weapon. We used it to make people kill each other and destroy nations and commit atrocities to please God. We are so brilliant that we can convert an idea which seeks good to an idea which drips evil and hatred and killings and filth.

We men must get this Job because you will never find any like us, with all these capabilities all put together in one. War, killing, torture, rape, murder, mafia, thieves, gangs, drugs, lying, cheating, and above all and the most thing we are proud of religious men who deceive people to kill and explode themselves and kill women and children and we tell them you will go to haven for these filthy deeds, just tell us who can do that but we men because we are so brilliant we can convince others to die and kill others and they are so happy to die and kill. Just for this single brilliant innovative deed we ask you to give us the job of ruling this world because you will never find any body so brilliant like us ever.

Please just watch this video and see what we are capable of. Firm, strong and fierce. So don’t we deserve to rule mankind?

We men denounce strongly that you give this JOB to women, because they are stupid and have no experience at all. If they where not stupid they would have not believed us men when we told them that they are small minded and you can not run governments.

The CV of Women

We Women have created men from our bodies, then we raised men with love and devotion, we feed them from our bodies,

we taught them every thing, then when they became strong they stabbed us at the back

and raped us and distorted all our dreams by war and killings and evil.

We Women for the past 6000 years did not kill.
We Women for the past 6000 years did not create war, did not torture, did not murder, did not make mafia, did not make gangs, did not make or sell drugs.
We Women did not have religious women therefore we did not deceive people to kill to be nearer to God.

We women should get this Job of ruling mankind because we created mankind all mankind men and women. The creator should rule what she created.
We will not be as evil as the devils (men) if we rule, it will be a world full of love as mothers love their children, not as the world full of hate as when men ruled mankind during the past 6000 years.

Throughout history men have been the greatest divisive force in human existence.
Through wars persecution and torture, men have caused more harm than any other being since the beginning of time.

From good comes good & from evil must come evil.

Therefore any evil you see it must come from something is evil, what ever this something is, if it is a man or ideology or organization or society or party.
Since all what is said above formed by men therefore all the evil have come from men therefore all of you must vote for women party since it did not do any evil and will not do any evil.

Above men said women are stupid, we respectfully disagree, we can prove that men are stupid by just defining war.
War is a massacre committed by two groups of men they don’t know each other but they kill each other, while their leaders don’t kill each other but 
they know each other.

What a stupid men are, to kill each other for no logical reason but for some
 stupid ideologies, and all ideologies are as stupid as men are.
Where all ideologies are created by men, ‘stupid men’. Just imagine billions of people have been killed by men for ideas in the minds, where history proved they where all wrong.

We women are proud of being women because we work as they do and harder, we raise children and do no harm.

Are men proud of what they did?

We women ask for the third of the period we want to rule mankind for 2000 years then at the end of this time mankind sit and decide who ruled better women or the men.

The only way We women can reach power is by women parties just the same way men is getting power now via parties, they name them liberal and democrats and labor and so on. We women must start to make parties via face book and tweeter then when we become in millions we move on the ground and make real women parties which will run for election and since all women will vote for us and since women are always %60 of the population therefore we will rule mankind and we will end war and evil and torture

Above all we make new laws to be just for women, and get rid of all the laws which is unjust for women

Where the first law when women rule will be any rapist will face death. It will be a great deterrent, and then women can walk at night and feel safe.
Women of this world you must know that this article is the first step of a 1000 mile journey. You women must march this 1000 mile yourselves, No one will march it for you.

The Plague Behind Mankind Collapse

The invisible monster behind mankind collapse


Overpopulation is the plague which will destroy mankind. Previously plague use to hit any aria which is overpopulated and force it to a perfect status. it was a mechanism designed by nature (God). Where God has designed it to keep our planet in a perfect well functioning equilibrium and to keep it safe and sound from collapse.
Stupidly man overcomed the plague designed by God and did not put an alternative solution to the overpopulation.
So we where 2 billions now we are 7 billions so mankind soon will get collapsed and it deserve it

 Let's imagine that celestial beings are invading the Earth where earth had 2 billion people in the 1950s and now it has 7 billion.

As if 5 billion celestial beings have invaded planet Earth and started to eat up its resources in a devastating manner, most of the row materials have reached near extinction, and now planet Earth entered a state of water scarcity. Even the water is almost exhausted by these celestial beings.

The celestial beings are eating Amazon forests in an immoral criminal manner. They burn 14,000 acres every day and distorted 80 percent of the Indonesian rain forests. Every second an area as big as a football field of the forests get de annihilated.  The extinction of one kind of species is taking place every nine minutes, an average of 200 species every day. This is done day after day without mercy or remorse and these celestial beings don’t care and will never care because they are celestial beings. 

Despite all the devastations they have caused, the celestial beings are still coming to our small little planet in more numbers with no mercy or SHAME.

The Arab Springs was caused by these celestial beings and all of them now youthful and full of energy. All the people who participated in the demonstration in Yemen, Egypt and Syria they were all celestial beings. 

They came to planet Earth and found everyone had a house, job...etc and nothing was left for them. As a result, they had no choice but to work for low wages and as their numbers grow and could not find jobs, they started to stand in the streets and sell things on benches. But they kept coming and growing in numbers. When their conditions worsened further, some burned themselves and all their comrades came in massive numbers to demonstrate in anger against the economic situation.

These celestial beings will destroy all countries one after one. At the end, the governments will collapse under their constant revolts, then it will be a lawless land governed by chaos and criminal originations and there is no solution to the celestial beings because their existence on planet earth is the problem.

The population explosion in the third world countries if not stopped now, and I mean now at this very moment of time, by forcing by power of law the birth control, all the third world countries will become the poorest countries in the world. The poor will revolt in revolutions one after the other until the third world countries becomes a big Somalia where everybody kills anybody. Finally what will prevail is poverty, fear, horror and death and the third world countries will become a syrup of chaos.

This will not be in the third world countries only it will be in all southern countries of this planet, so the syrup of chaos will prevail and this syrup will start to spillover the rich low populated northern countries of planet earth (Europe and America), then it too will be infected by this Monster and then all planet earth will go into an all-out distraction. It will be like hell, it will be much greater than the biblical scale.

If we take in consideration, the other three Monsters – the oil peak, the global warming and the financial collapse, which will all hit in 10 years-time simultaneously— we realize that we are moving full speed to a collision which will turn planet Earth into doomsday.

If the north does not go now and I mean now to the United Nations and make a law that every country should not exceed its land bearing capacity or face international food blockade, and if any country is already over capacity it must take measures to reduce its population through mandatory birth control, and if it does not it will be blockaded.

If these measures are not taken, let us all kiss goodbye happy life, and lets all say hello to doomsday and no one should cry when he finds himself in the middle of HELL.

What really amaze me truly amaze me is why all media all over the world is silent about this overpopulation catastrophe. As if there is a conspiracy to destroy mankind.

David Suzuki blasts media on climate change reporting

Any country says our religion forbid population control and God will feed us. We tell those well lets blocked you and see if God will feed you if he does so it is good for you.. you don’t have to pay for the import of your food any more it will come to you free from God. Therefore blockading you is good for you.. you should be happy about it.

NATO Review - Cooking for the planet, climate change and food security (with subtitles: English)

Save our planet now or it will be too late. It is simple. One Planet One Child.

Climate change the state of the science (data visualization)

Years of Living Dangerously Premiere Full Episode

Jared Diamond: Why societies collapse

Collapse (Part 1)


Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics?" - David Suzuki - May 6, 

Age of Manipulation


We are fighting a losing war against climate change. Because what ever we will do population explosion will eat it instantly

What we should do is fight population explosion which will make our world collapse soon

Home beautiful Home. I am so sad we are going to lose it in 10 years from now.

If all nations don’t go to UN and make mandate forcing all countries to keep population to bearing capacity.

And force berth control and any country over populated does not force birth control will be sanctioned

Without these measures Western Civilization will collapse soon, if the Western Civilization collapses the whole world will collapse. Because it is the backbone of mankind.

Stop population explosion and instantly all these will seize to exist. poverty, disease, poor countries, war & sadness water scarcity

Hoto & Tutsi killings of 800000 is because of population explosion. If they where only Hoto they still would have killed each other.

overpopulation is the root cause of all evil. The evil behind all evils is overpopulation.

الخميس، 2 يناير 2014

New North & South Poles Flying In the Sky. mimics cosmic ray effect

 cosmic ray micro mirrors
Method reduce earth temp 3 degrees in months
It make summers much cooler
So aircontaining consume less electric power

A/Cs consume millions of gigawatt produce 2 billions tons of carbon every year.
This Method cost 230m, we save 1.2 trillion in power reduction. Reduce %20 carbon emissions.
reduces mankind carbon footprint by %20
It cost $230m per year
We get our money back 1.2 trillion per year due to air-conditioning consume less power.

Cooler earth means forists fires will be a thing of the past plus less floods End of desertification end of extreme weather

Mankind on Titanic, it is sinking in a sea of global warming No life boats on board no planet B to go to
This method is a life boat. Mankind either takes it now or it will keep sinking in global warming
The illusion of Paris agreement that it will save us, it is clear it will not, from the speach of China leader he said by year 2100 China will reduce its carbon emissions by %60 that is 80 years from now. By then the Titanic has sunk taking with it all mankind
Three solutions to Global Warming & climate change

This article includes three solutions to Global Warming & climate change.
First solution costs zero dollars. It uses water and passenger airplanes.
Second solution costs $100m dollars. It uses water and cargo airplanes.
Third solution costs $230m dollars. It uses micro mirrors and cargo airplanes.

First solution
 cosmic ray micro mirrors

 This solution mimics cosmic ray effect 
discovered by 
Henrik Svensmark & Nir Shaviv
 Cosmic ray will create very small droplets of water, the same way small droplets are created in a room filled with water vapor when Alpha particle moves so fast in this environment. Cosmic ray  besides seeding clouds it creates trillions and trillions and trillions of small droplets of water in the upper atmosphere where these small droplets of water reflect sunlight back to space, and when they freeze they become micro mirrors reflecting sunlight back to space.

Since the sum of surface aria of cosmic ray micro mirrors depends on their numbers so when the 
intensity of cosmic ray is high earth cool since the sum of their surface area is big.

When cosmic ray intensity is low the sum of surface aria of cosmic ray micro mirrors will be smaller so earth will not cool. And when it is so small earth will heat up.

This invention: uses waterharmless water, to reverse global warming & stop climate change. No chemicals No Chemtrails.
It will rebuild poles ice, reduces earthquakes by rebuilding the pressure on the polar tectonic plate 

Water is everywhere on this planet. It is underground, on the surface in seas & oceans, as ice on mountains & poles, in the clouds, in our homes in our bodies it is everywhere. This method is totally harmless it is water.
As the ice is melting on the poles we must substitute this ice to make earth temp go back to normal state.

Within a year earth temperature will go down, then the north & south poles will regain their ice and the sea level will go back to its normal level

 We designate 200 aircrafts each can carry 10 tons of water cooled to 4 Celsius we locate each 25 aircrafts in different location on this planet.
Where each aircrafts flies every day 5 times to the lower stratosphere and sprays all the 10 tons of water in the stratosphere, it immediately freezes to white crystal ice since the temperature is about -20 Celsius it stays for two years flying in the stratosphere when it drops to the Troposphere it will stay for months in this upper layer of the Troposphere where its temperature is -30 Celsius.
So the sum will be 10000 tons every day injected in the lower stratosphere where the Crystal Ice will last for two years.
since the lower stratosphere height range from 8 Km near the poles and 15 Km near the equator therefore if we make those aircrafts with bigger engines or we double the engines so when the aircraft reaches 10 Km then it starts the extra engines so to get to higher point lets say 13 KM or 14 Km so when it reaches the lower stratosphere it sprays the water, after that it stops the extra engines and come back to earth
Using this project We will have a million square km of ice flying in the sky reflecting sun light back to the space, and when it comes down it will evaporate and will not change the world precipitation including disrupting the Indian Monsoon.

As the ice on the two Poles is decreasing dramatically, where the light reflected back to space is reduced.

 This idea will replace Poles ice and its reflection power.

Practically we are making double layers Poles two are on the surface of earth and two poles flying in the sky above the surface poles.
 This project it is not expensive if we compare it to the damage global warming will do to earth and mankind and economy.

Since earth covered by %70 water which absorbs light deep inside it, therefore practically does not emit Infrared waves.
since land is the only part which practically emit Infrared waves and it is %30.
Therefore the New North & South Poles Flying In the Sky, will have positive gain, since it will reflect sun heat back by %100 during the day. While it reflect back only %30 of the Infrared by the particles flying on the land only.
Therefore 100 - 30 =%70 positive gain 
So this New North & South Poles Flying In the Sky will have %70 efficiency cooling earth..

volume of water in the atmosphere at any one time is about 12,900 km^3 
Km^3 = 1000000000 = one billion  tones of water
So at any one time there is thirteen trillion tones of water
So adding 1000 tones every day will be negligible compared to what is already there

This study by Henrik Svensmark's proves that my idea will work and will cool earth since my idea is doing exactly what the cosmic ray been doing to earth for millions of years by cooling earth.

Please see this video it explains every thing.
Henrik Svensmark's documentary on climate change and cosmic rays.

since our sun move in a circle every 250 million years inside our galaxy, when the sun is inside the arm of a galaxy there is more cosmic ray so the climate cools, when the sun is out of the galaxy arm earth heats due to less cosmic ray.

This idea practically will move earth to one of the arms of our galaxy.
See video at 32:50

This graph show the exact match between earth temperature and cosmic ray.

See video at 41:31

My idea will cool earth and this is evidence it will cool earth.

Using liquid Nitrogen is the best way to make the water turn into crystal ice immediately. So the air which blows the water to spry it out as very small droplets will be coming from the liquid Nitrogen canister so as it comes as gas it will be at -50 centigrade, so it will blow the water out and cools it immediately to crystal ice flying in the stratosphere for two years reflecting sun light and cooling earth as the cosmic ray been doing for millions of years

Since at the poles the ice mass is huge since its weight is colossal where each cubic Km mass is one billion tons, so as the ice is melting the top pressure on the polar tectonic plate  is reduced, so polar tectonic plate  pulls back horizontally giving way to other tectonic plate to move in, and when  tectonic plates move it causes earthquakes.

My solution will rebuild the ice on he poles and reduces earthquakes. It will save billions of dollars and lives when earthquakes reduced.

My solution has no chemical seeding therefore it is harmless solution to the environment
Scariest Parts of Climate Change 2014

Send this solution to every one you know and every institution and to every newspaper, TV station, magazine and research center, so it will be well known solution so governments will know about it and use it to stop climate change which is destroying our planet.

Logically if it is wrong solution no harm is done by sending it, if it is correct we will save our planet beautiful HOME.


Earth heat content increasing in an alarming pace
See video from 23:00

Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 - THIS MUST BE SHARED!

Ocean Heat content reached an alarming level

Sea level rise it will be unstoppable. Cities will go underwater. 

Second solution

Since airplanes are the biggest CO2 producers, a law must be passed by each government forcing them to put this water spryer in each airplane.
hundred liter tank combined with small air compressor, must be installed in every airplane, so when the airplanes reach ten thousand meter high, the 100 liter will be sprayed, it will change to crystal ice and starts to reflect sun light back to space.
There is fifty thousand flight every day so five thousand tones of crystal ice will be flying in the upper troposphere it will last for three to six months, so after 100 days we will have 500 thousands tones of crystal ice flying in the upper troposphere.
The tank and its compressor when mass produces it will cost less than $800. It will be fixed in the luggage section of the airplanes.
When the airplane lands it will be supplied with fuel and water to be used by passengers. So this tank will be filled too either directly or indirectly where it is connected to the water system of the airplane , so it get its water from there automatically.

This solution very simple easy to do it will cost governments nothing and it will cost airlines very little since each airplane costs $100m dollars, so adding extra $800 dollars can be negligible compared to the damage the plane is doing to planet earth.
Within 3 months the temperature of planet earth will go down and every one will see the effectiveness of this zero cost solution.

Third solution

Instead of making a big mirror as big as Australia to reflect a large portion of the sun light back to outer space, where we do not have sufficient land to do that on, nor the money, since this will cost trillions of dollars, and instead of making a big mirror in the space circulating the earth, that is too costly and will take hundred years to finish, by then the global warming would have destroyed many places on earth, so sending micro mirrors in the upper atmosphere at a rate mentioned below where these  micro mirrors keep circulating the earth for 2 years before they come back to the surface and this method can be done at unbelievably low cost comparing to the damage the global warming will do to our planet.
I estimate the cost of 200 millions dollars initially then it will cost around 35 millions dollars a year.


We use the passenger flights between the cities so each airplane when it reaches the highest point in the sky lets say 10,000 meters it starts to spray Micro Mirrors  in the low latitude stratosphere, 100Kg each airplane so the upper atmosphere wind takes this sun light reflector micro mirrors with it and it keeps circulating the earth for 2 years.

Most flights fly most of the time in the upper troposphere but for a short time in the low latitude stratosphere, since the micro mirrors can be sprayed out within minutes therefore the aircraft must inject all the micro mirrors in the low latitude stratosphere at the correct time when the aircraft is flying in low latitude stratosphere, even if the aircraft stays there for ten minutes therefore all the Micro Mirrors will be injected in the low latitude stratosphere.

Since we will not send the airplanes solely for this purpose, it will cost us very small amount and may be each airline will do it for free to save our planet.
The total sun light reflector surface area will add up in a short time may be in one year to nine million Km2 so this area will reflect back to outer space 80% of the light and heat and if we use KCO3 which reflects 98% of the light we will have a total sun light reflection of the earth of an area mentioned above so by controlling this surface area we can control from now on the sea level best to human benefit.

No matter what side effects these micro mirrors will have, these side effects will be far less than the effects of the volcano eruption. Therefore this solution is harmless and safe to use. 


1.     The molecular weight of CaCO3 is 100 so each 100 grams of CaCO3 has Avogadro's number of molecules which is 6.23x 1023 , I will assume this number from now on as 1*1024 to ease the calculations and to make the presentation simple to every body.
2.     The density of the chalk is around 4.6g/ , so 100g will take the volume of a cub it's side has a length of 5cm.
3.     from the assumed Avogadro's number 1* 1024 we will see that each side length is 108 molecules.
4.     I will assume that each dust particle will consists from one thousand million atoms so each particle has a side of 1000 molecules. So by dividing 108 (mentioned in step 3) by 1000 we will know how many layers the cub will has which will be 105 layers.
5.     Since the cub has six square sides each has surface area of 5*5=25 cm2 so by multiplying   25cm2 by  105 layers = 25 *105 cm2
6.     since m2 = 104 cm2 , so by dividing 25 *105 cm2 by  104 cm2  =250m2  that is the surface area of one mule of dust in the sky. (That is the total area of all the micro mirrors flying in the upper sky .)
7.     Since each airplane will sprinkle 100Kg of   CaCO3 at each flight that means 1000 mule so the surface area of 100Kg is 1000 * 250m2 = 250,000 m2
8.     since there is more than 10,000 flight every day all over the world so the total surface area sprinkled every day will be 250,000 m2 * 10,000 flight = 2500,000,000 m2
9.     since Km2 = 1000,000 m2   so by dividing 2500,000,000 m2  by  1000,000 m2  = 2500 Km2 this area will be added every day
10. so in one year that will add up to 2500 Km* 365 = 912500 Km2 that is approximately one million Km2 so in ten years we will have reflecting surface as big as USA or if the CaCO3 particles consists from 108 molecules we will have this surface area in one year only.
I think we should use this idea very carefully and not over do it because we might go into a small ice age and all the dinosaurs will die if we had any.


We design a container like the fire extinguisher which contains CCl4 and it pushes the powder of CCl4 by the force of compressed gas so each container contains CaCO3 powder and compressed gas (it should be positively charged so when released the micro mirrors do not stick to each other) so when the pilot triggers it, it will go to the upper atmosphere through a very small hole in the luggage area of the airplane.
After each flight the luggage workers replace the empty container by a full one.

I am ready to answer any question or to meat any body to explain my idea which I believe in it %100 because it is based on mathematic and that no one can prove wrong, and based on experiments which it has been done many times when ever a volcano erupts and this idea is doing exactly what a volcano does. So please if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me in fact I will be glad to help.


The last cool period earth has seen, it was like small ice age, it was few hundreds years ago where river Times in London use to freeze in winter, and England use to have nice cool summer, now we know why that happened, a big eruption of a volcano took place in Indonesia at that time where thousands of tons reached the upper atmosphere and it stayed for years reflecting the sun light, and that caused this small  ice age. Where now in England they use air-conditioners and have heavy floods they never had such floods before.
My idea will create a volcano eruption sending one thousand tones of Micro Mirrors every single day to the upper atmosphere, day after day month after month and year after year, so we will create a volcano by using this idea and it is not out of control, we control the amount of Micro Mirrors best to have the most suitable temperature on our planet.

The usefulness of the idea will be in one of the following three possibilities:

1.     The idea will slow down the Global Warming. Therefore giving use more time to find other solutions.
2.     The idea will stop the Global Warming. therefore we have put an end to the Global Warming
3.     The idea will stop then reverses the Global Warming. Therefore we can choose the best temperature the world can stay on.

This idea will solve the problem no matter which phenomena causing it wither the CO2 or the sun becoming more active.


The sewage water of the airplanes can be used usefully, where each airplane should spray this sewage water in the upper atmosphere as very fine particles and since the temperature up there is minus 30 degrees centigrade therefore this spray will immediately freeze to very small crystals of white ice which will reflect back to the outer space the sun light and heat.
since we have almost 30 thousands flights every day each has more than one cubic meter of sewage water to dispose off, therefore every day will be up to 30 thousands tons of crystal ice been supplied to the upper atmosphere between the troposphere and the stratosphere. And that will add up to huge surface area which can be measured in few months time into a million of square Kilometers.

We must add some detergent to the sewage water like Detol or potassium permanganate to kill all bacteria and viruses so when the crystals of the sewage water falls back on the  land it does not spread possible diseases and cause sickness.


1- My idea uses harmless substance CaCO3   which is used in toothpaste they even put it in the chicken food to make them get enough calcium to make the egg shell.
2- my idea is not regional it is global, within a year the total surface area will add up to become as big as Australia and if we over use it, it will take us to a lower see level than we like and all the shore cities will be far from the see.
3- My idea will reflect during the day a full sun shin light and heat while during the night it reflects back to earth an amount less than 1% of what it already reflected out of the earth so we will have a gain of  99% so the microscopic mirrors  will cool earth since there total surface area is equivalent to a big mirror put in the orbit circulating the earth it is as big as USA.
4-  Since CaCO3   is natural material and abundant and cheep this material will cost us very little not like the use of polymers and other expensive materials besides that they are  polluting man made materials.
5- Since we will use passenger flights so taking one thousand tones a day to the upper atmosphere will cost us little since we are not hiring those airplanes exclusively for this reason.
6- I used the cheapest harmless material where it is white as  CaCO3 if it disintegrate it will become a white harmless CaO which is used widely in buildings in Mexico and all over the world and if it reacts with vapor it will change in to  white harmless Ca(OH)2 so all versions of this material is white and that is a very high reflector of the heat and light. But if there is another material as cheep and as efficient as this we can use any other material which is financially more efficient than this material.
7- About the calculations they are very simple and strait forward that any chemist or physicist can check it very easily  at the same time I challenge all man kind their first and their last to prove that this idea is not correct in its calculations or in the equipments or the method of using passenger airplanes.
 8-  About the calculations, all of it is very simple calculations changing Cm to m or m to Km except the part of measuring the surface area of one mole it is very simple to any chemist.

If we ask a computer to give its point of view about this idea it will analyze this idea logically this way:

The variables I have.

 This solution:
1.     Either it works.
2.     Or it does not work.
And the options we have is:
1.     An eminent distraction to our planet.
2.     Or using a very low cost solution.

The decision to be taken:
·         If we ignore this solution we will certainly have our planet destroyed.

·         If we use this solution we will save our planet.

Loses and gains:

1.     If the solution does not work the cost is so cheep one country alone can pay for it, so for the whole planet it is two million dollar for each country has to pay.
2.     If it works we will save the world.

Therefore ignoring this idea is wasting the only chance we have to save our planet.
Therefore we should never waste the only chance we have to save our planet.

This is what a computer says I wander what mankind will say.


If the airlines companies refused to do this idea, we can still do it at reasonable cost around twenty to thirty billion dollars, where we make a new project named save the earth project.
Where, save the earth project buys 100 aircrafts each can carry 10 tons of micro mirrors we locate each 25 in different location on this planet.
Where each aircrafts flies every day to the lower stratosphere and sprays all the 10 tons of micro mirrors up there so the some will be 1000 tons every day injected in the lower stratosphere where the micro mirrors will last for two years.
since the lower stratosphere height range from 8 Km near the poles and 15 Km near the equator and since the sun is strongest near the equator where the micro mirrors will be more efficient therefore if we make those aircrafts with bigger engines or we double the engines so when the aircraft reaches 10 Km then it starts the extra engines so to get to higher point lets say 13 KM or 14 Km so when it reaches the lower stratosphere it sprays the micro mirrors , after that it stops the extra engines and come back to earth.
Saves the earth project although it is more expensive but we must use it because global warming will damage earth more than this cost by many folds.

Last year US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Chu) was on the head news saying that they found a very good way to combat global warming, and that is by painting all the houses in a white color, and they showed an entire village painted in white.

I made my calculations.

If painting the entire house exterior in white will cost minimum $200 and there is 500 million homes in the world only,  the cost will be 100 billion dollars and if only %20 of the homes painted that will cost 20 billion plus soon the dust will cover the roof and reduce the efficiency almost to %40 therefore my idea is cheaper it cost $230 million only.

Bering in mind the total surface area of his project will be only 50,000 Km2 while my idea will be more than one million Km2 up to 8 million Km2 surface area.

500,000,000 house  X  100 m2 surface area of a house /1000000= 50,000 Km2

Video shows the solution as a graphic

Kasim Alazzawi
Email : brysam2@yahoo.co.uk

Please see this so you know how global warming will devastate our planet in a short time.

Six Degrees Could Change The World 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4

Following videos show TV reports and interviews talking about this solution in Arabic language

MBC interview plus report global warming

Solution to global warming vedeo wall Arabic
MBC TV report Solution to global warming

قاسم العزاوي باحث في الاحتباس الحراري

Solution to global warming Arabic2