الأربعاء، 21 أبريل 2021

VKAT. Virus Killer Air Technology

One microgram of Nitric oxide kills covid19 & all airborne viruses

Summary of method
20 million NITRIC OXIDE molecules in each cubic centimeter of the air will become a death zone for covid19 & all airborne viruses.
Nitric oxide molecules bombard corona virus ten million times per second at speed of 500m\s.
Hundreds of Nitric oxide molecules will combine with the virus and Paralyze it and it become totally paralyzed harmless virus. ( I will use dead virus or kill virus since it is a short term since virus is not a living body so we can not use dead or kill). But I will to make it simple.

Nitric oxide deactivates covid19 viruses on contact. Nitric oxide targets the Achilles heel of COVID, the spike protein on the surface of the virus. Nitric oxide attaches to a specific amino acid on the spike protein, thereby disabling the spike protein.

Background of method
Airborne viruses between now and again hit mankind. SARS, bird flue and now covid19 killing us and destroying our economy. We must find a method to kill airborne viruses when it is still in the air.
It is possible in the near future a new airborne virus hits mankind where it corrupts brain cells so all people will become mentally handicapped. It will be the end of mankind.
Covid19 is a great opportunity for mankind to use my method or any other method to kill airborne viruses.

Nitric oxide or (nitrogen monoxide) (NO)
Molar mass30.006 g·mol−1
one microgram of Nitric oxide has 19.9 x 1015  molecules
So each 1 microgram contains 20000 trillion molecules.
If we sepry one microgram in office has a volume of  1000 cubic metres that is  1 x 109 cm3

  19.9 x 1015 Divided by 1 x 109 cm3  = 20 x 106
Molecules in each cubic centimeter that is 20 million Nitric oxide molecules.
So seprying one microgram  of Nitric oxide in huge office it will kill airborne viruses in the air.
So this obtion can be taken by research centers as a possible method to kill airborne viruses.

Nitric oxide molecules lack one electron therefore it is very agrasive molecule it wants to get an electron so it will react with the virus biological molecules very easily and very quickly. Then the virus like covid19 will be disabled since all its spikes are not functioning since their Stractur has changed.
With 20 million NITRIC OXIDE molecules in each cubic centimeter of air any virus swimming in the air will be bombarded by 20 million NITRIC OXIDE molecules millions of times per second therefore hundreds of Nitric oxide molecules will react with each spike turning the virus to nothing but a pile of biological molecules which is harmless to people.

Link shows safety of Nitric oxide
 This is a biological molecule

As we see it has big surface aria so hundreds of Nitric oxide molecules will react with it. It has many gaps within it so Nitric oxide molecules will pass inside and react with it. Therefore tens or hundreds of Nitric oxide molecules will combine with this biological molecule.
Since the spikes of corona virus consists from biological molecules so thousands of Nitric oxide molecules will combine with each spike turning it to nothing.
The body of covid19 consists from biological molecules so thousands Nitric oxide molecules will combine with body turning it to usless junk.

Let's say 20000 Nitric oxide molecules combine   with each virus so each cubic centimeter can kill one thousand virus. Each cubic meter has one million cubic centimeter so each cubic meter can kill one billion corona virus.

If the lifetime of Nitric oxide molecules in air is one hour. Then we need 9 miligrams of Nitric oxide to sustain an office for one year.
This spoon contains 10 thousand miligrams.
Where we need 9 miligrams for one year of protection against corona viruses and it's variants.

This lighter contain ten grams of gas. If it is containing Nitric oxide gas it will be sufficient to protect a big restaurant for one thousand years

just one experiment in one city where we use automatic spryer to add virus killer substance in all restaurants, malls, schools, offices, airports, hospitals etcetera. The transfer rate goes to %0 so no new cases in this city. That means end of corona pandemic in that city. 
Then we can use this method all over the world.

End of method

For more details please ready below 

Detail description of the method
This method is not cure for people sick with Coronavirus BUT it is a method to stop new cases of corona.

Nitric oxide & Avogadro's number will end Corona disaster once and for all.

We can make every enclosed area safe from Corona virus, by spraying very small amount of Nitric oxide in that enclosed place. The air becomes a killer to Corona virus.

Nitric oxide Molar mass  30g, it is so small it fills half a cup.
Each mole of Nitric oxide is 30g, each 30g of Nitric oxide contain 6.02 × 1023 Molecules.
See calculation below
Avogadro's number, 6.02 × 1023

Let’s take an office or restaurant 20m long and 10m wide and 5m height.
We change the meters to centimeters by x 100
 Length = 20m x 100 = 2000cm
Width = 10m x 100 = 1000cm
 Height = 5m x 100 = 500cm
The volume of this office by cubic centimeters 2000 x1000 x500 = 1 x 109 cm3

Each 30g is 30000000 or 30 million micrograms
Dividing Avogadro's number 6.02 × 1023 
By 30000000 = 2 x 1016  . so each microgram of Nitric oxide contain 20 thousand trillion molecules.

   Molecules in one microgram  2 x 1016 ÷  volume 1 x 109  = 2 x 10that is 20 million molecules in each cubic centimeter of this  1000 cubic meters office or restaurant.

Since molecules collide with each other 1010 per second that is 10 billion times per second therefore corona virus will be hit by Nitric oxide molecules millions of times per second.Therefore thousands of Nitric oxide molecules will combine with the virus and the virus will become a useless junk of biological molecules. It change to nothing.

link show speed of moving molecules 

People breathing air containing 20 million of Nitric oxide  molecules in every cubic centimeter will never get infected even when a corona virus enter in them Nitric oxide will kill them; if Nitric oxide has not killed them while they are in the air of the office or restaurant or disco.
People infected by corona virus when they breath this air all the viruses inside them which are not inside the cells will die so when they sneeze what will come out of them are dead harmless viruses which will harm no one.
This method will for sure end corona pandemic.
By this method we can make all places safe and all people can go to work in molls, airports, shops, universities, banks, factories, offices, schools, government offices, and all other places.

Some might ask if we keep breathing Nitric oxide all day long how much we will inhale?

Let’s do some calculations

If someone live in closed work place for 12 hours a day he will breath air each cubic centimeter contain 20 million Nitric oxide molecules.

If a man inhale one liter of air every second then: 12 x 60 x 60 x 1000 x 20 x 106  = 864000000 x 106    = 8.7 x 1014 molecule every day.
Now we divide 1 microgram molecules 2 x 1016
By 8.7 x 1014 = 23 So we will inhale one microgram during 23 days.
One microgram ÷ 23 = 0.043 microgram 
So he will inhale 0.043 microgram in 12 hours  or 0.0036 microgram in one hour. That is 3.6 nano gram.

Speed of molecules in air is 500 m/s so they hit each other millions of times per second.
So each Corona virus swimming in the air, Nitric oxide molecules will hit it millions of times per second and must combine with it. Since 20 billion NITRIC OXIDE  molecules are in each cubic centimeter then hundreds of Nitric oxide molecules combine with the virus and kill it.

See the video in this link
Where atoms speed reduced by 2 trillion times
then imagine it as faster by two trillion times.  This is beyond imagination
Therefore corona virus will be killed


The world collapsing due to corona pandemic this method will end the corona pandemic, all it need an experiment done in one city to prove it will reduce the transfer rate to zero.
we are waiting for zombie's virus to come, when it comes it will destroy mankind.
now we have once in a life time opportunity to do a mass experiment to kill covid19 airborne viruses if we ignore this opportunity then when zombie's airborne viruses come we will regret that we did not use this opportunity, most probably we will not regret it since we will be dead before we know what is going on.  

It is now or never 
 you have the chance to send this solution to scientists and governments, if you don't you will never have a second chance when you become a zombie. If you survive it you will live in a doomsday like world as in the films:
World war Z
I’m legend
The walking dead.  On Netflix 
Black summer.       On Netflix 
To the lake.              On Netflix 

It is now or never To save yourself & mankind by RT this solution untill it reach governments and scientists.

 Thank God covid19 attacks lung cells not brain cells if it attacked brain cells now mankind consisting from nations of zombies.
It is now or never for mankind to do otherwise when it change to zombies that is that we can kiss good by mankind.

interesting two methods to end airborne viruses 
Masks give %95 protection against corona so it is %5 permits viruses to pass through..

 There is millions of people infected by corona virus, 

%5 of these millions of people the virus will pass through their masks. then %5 of healthy people the mask will let the virus to pass through, so they will be infected by corona virus. Since there are millions of both types healthy and infected, therefore this pandemic will never ever end. 

New variants poping up so soon the vaccine will have no effect on new variants. 

Soon we will be sinking in the swamp of corona pandemic where neither masks nor vacancies can get us out of corona swamp...

More details to show the safety of the concentration my study suggests

In 1992, Roberts et al. and Kinsella et al. reported that inhaled nitric oxide produced rapid and significant increases in oxygenation in term and near-term infants with PPHN, without detectable toxicity

doses of inhaled nitric oxide have been reported to be clinically effective, and most current dosing recommendations do not exceed 40 ppm. At this dose, there is little measurable short-term toxicity.

In my article
Office 1000 cubic metres. Contain 1200kg of air that is 1200000g
That is 1.2 trillion micro gram.
Adding one microgram of Nitric oxide makes the concentration of Nitric oxide 1.2ppt (part per trillion)
Since 40ppm is safe for infants so 1ppt is totally safe for us

A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 100–200 ppm in breathing air will kill a human within 10 to 60 minutes.[53] A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380 mg/m3) will kill a human in about one minute.

presumably where concentrations of HCN were above the then maximum recommended concentration of 10 ppm. NIOSH (1976), in interpreting the Grabois (1954) data, stated that 5 ppm was a no-effect level, and higher concentrations were only rarely present. 

Continuous exposure of rabbits to 43 ppm nitric oxide and 3.6 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 6 days did not cause morphological changes in the lungs when compared to specimens from nonexposed rabbits. This is not in accordance with previously reported findings.


Hydrogen synide is a killer but they say it is safe at 5 ppm
Nitric oxide harmless at 43 ppm
Therefore 2 ppt (part per trillion) of (NO) must be safe
This is
0.000002 ppm of Nitric oxide

Cloreane  Cl can be used in VKAT. Cloreane an extremely reactive element and a strong oxidising agent.
When one microgram of Cl released in the air 20 million molecules wil be in each cubic centimeter it will react with airborne viruses and kills them.
When Cl reacts with the water vapour in the air it will produce  (O) which is extremely reactive element and a very strong oxidising agent. It will kill airborne viruses.

research proposal
Our lungs produce Nitric oxide (NO) thats why some people producing high concentration of NO they don't get sick with covid19 at all, because NO kills covid19.
Some die because their lungs produce very low concentration of Nitric oxide
We must test the concentration of Nitric oxide of thousands of people who test positive then we keep montearing them and see what will happen to people who exhale high concentration of Nitric oxide and low and midium concentration.
This research needs very low funding so please do it as soon as posible.

Just in one center doing PCR test we add the device which gives the concentration of Nitric oxide exhaled.
Then when the result comes out we will see that people tested negative have higher concentration of Nitric oxide in their lungs.
And people test positive they exhaled low concentration of Nitric oxide.
During this catastrophe of corona pandemic we must do this very low cost research.

This device measures the concentration of Nitric oxide exhaled by people.
It is very low cost so this experment can be done easily.
It will be a big breakthrough in our fight against corona pandemic.
Then all we have to do is add some Nitric oxide to the air so the air has the same concentration of Nitric oxide exhaled by people tested negative.
Then all people test negative so no new cases that means end of corona pandemic 

Clinical efficacy of nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) for the treatment of mild COVID-19 infection


Method uses ethanol to kills all airborne viruses

Summary of method
6 trillion ethanol molecules in each cubic centimeter of the air will become a death zone for airborne viruses.
Ethanol (alcohol) molecules bombard corona virus ten million times per second at speed of 500m\s.
Hundreds of alcohol molecules will combine with the virus and Paralyze it and it become totally paralyzed harmless virus. ( I will use dead virus or kill virus since it is a short term since virus is not a living body so we can not use dead or kill). But I will.

Detail description of the method

Alcohol & Avogadro's number will end Corona disaster once and for all.

We can make every enclosed area safe from Corona virus, by spraying very small amount of alcohol in that enclosed place. The air becomes a killer to Corona virus.

Alcohol Molar mass  46.069g, it is so small it fills half a cup.
Each mole of alcohol is 46g, each 46g of alcohol contain 6.02 × 1023 Molecules.
See calculation below
Avogadro's number, 6.02 × 1023

Let’s take an office 20m long and 10m wide and 5m height.
We change the meters to centimeters by x 100
 Length = 20m x 100 = 2000cm
Width = 10m x 100 = 1000cm
 Height = 5m x 100 = 500cm
The volume of this office by cubic centimeters 2000 x1000 x500 = 1 x 109 cm3

We divide Avogadro's number 6.02 × 1023 by the volume of this office 1 x 109 cm3
6.02 × 1023 ÷ 1 x 109 =  6 x 1014   = 600 trillion molecules in each cubic centimeter.
But this is too much; 6 trillion is enough.
So we divide the mole which is 46g by 100
46g  ÷ 100 = 0,46g of alcohol  
Any corona virus in this office air will meet 6 trillion alcohol molecules in each cubic centimeter. Hundreds of alcohol molecules will attack corona virus and kill it within seconds.
So an average office 20m by 10m with Hight 5m that is 1000 cubic meters, only 0.46 gram of alcohol is sufficient to protect people in this office from Corona virus.
So with half gram of alcohol each cubic centimeter of air will contain 6 trillion alcohol molecules.
And this air is harmless to employees but it is a killer to all corona viruses.
Since molecules collide with each other 1010 per second that is 10 billion times per second therefore corona virus will be hit by alcohol molecules millions of times per second.Therefore millions of alcohol molecules will combine with the virus and the virus will become a useless junk of biological molecules. It change to nothing.
link show speed of moving molecules 

People breathing air containing 6 trillion alcohol molecules in every cubic centimeter will never get infected even when a corona virus enter in them alcohol will kill them; if alcohol has not killed them while they are in the air.
People infected by corona virus when they breath this air all the viruses inside them which are not inside the cells will die so when they sneeze what will come out of them are dead harmless viruses which will harm no one.
This method will for sure end corona pandemic.
By this method we can make all places safe and all people can go to work in molls, airports, shops, universities, banks, factories, offices, schools, government offices, and all other places.

Some might say if we keep breathing alcohol all day long will we be drunk

Let’s do some calculations

If we live in closed work place for 12 hours a day he will breathe air each cubic centimeter contain 6 trillion alcohol molecules.

If a man inhale one liter of air every second then:
12 x 60 x 60 x 1000 x 6 trillion = 259200000 x 1012 = 2.6 x 1020 molecule every day
Now we divide Avogadro's number, 6.02 × 1023 with  2.6 x 1020 = 2.32 x 103 = 2320
That means each mole contain 2320 times of what this one person breaths in 12 hours.

Mole of alcohol is 46g if we divide 46g by 2320.
46 ÷ 2320 = 0.0198g = 0.02g in 12 hours.
Each hour he will inhale 0.002g = 2mg
This will never ever make you drank or harm your health since it is a negligible amount.
Mole = 46g = 46000mg
Avogadro's number ÷ 46000mg = 13 x 1018
So each 1mg of alcohol contains 13 million trillion alcohol molecules.
1mg to us seams small but to corona virus it is massive and devastating colossal amount.

Corona virus comes out to the air in small droplets when someone speaks but when coughs or sneezes 20000 droplets comes out each has many covid-19 virus.

This small droplet compared to the size of a molecule is large like a pond. Alcohol molecules move at speed of 500m/s that is 1800km/h at such speed alcohol molecules will collide with this pond millions of times per second therefore hundreds of billions of alcohol molecules combines with the pond. The pond becomes saturated with alcohol since in each cubic centimeter of air there is 6 trillion alcohol molecules. The pond becomes a sanitizer saturated with alcohol and kills the virus. This method practically will make each virus swim in a pool of sanitizer and the sanitizer will kill the virus. Since molecules move so fast in the air therefore the pond floating in the air will become a sanitizer within seconds therefore the virus will be killed in less than few seconds. In a nutshell this method will transform all ponds present in the air into sanitizers killing all viruses making the air virus free.
This method will make transmission rate go down to zero within hours.

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